Monday, November 5, 2007

Welcome to my Running Blog!

In an effort to motivate myself to hit the pavement, I've decided to start a running blog to post my weekly mileage, running ups and downs, and race results. I'll start out by putting up a few pictures of me from past races. I've got pictures from five of the eight races I've participated in so far, the three absent ones coincidentally being the ones where my wife was not there to take pictures. Take a guess as to who the primary archivist in the family is...

This is my first race, the Salt Lake City Marathon's 5k, in April 2005. That's me on the left, my wife, Jean, in the middle, and my buddy, Eric, on the right.

My 5th race, the Salt Lake City Marathon 5k the following June (2006). There were three other 5k's in the interim for which I sadly have no photographs.

My 6th race and 1st 10k, this was the Deseret Morning News 10k in July 2006. I was so fast the photographer (Jean) could hardly keep up with the camera... sort of...

My 7th race, the Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay, in October 2006. Don't worry, this was after the race... I earned those snacks.

Finishing my 8th race, and first marathon. I still can't believe that I was smiling after 26.2 miles, but anyone who's done it can attest to the great feeling you get between completing a marathon and ten minutes later, when all the hurt catches up.

I've got a couple races lined up over the next several months, and I want to get back up to where I was when training for the marathon. I've got the Rose Bowl Half Marathon in a little over a month, and then the LA Marathon in March 2008.

Wish me luck, and keep on my case!

1 comment:

Rustam F. Hasanov said...

What a great idea! I can't believe you ran all those marathons. If I see you slacking I'll make sure to point it out.